RDG/420 ELEMENTARY METHODS — READING/LANGUAGE ARTS RDG 420 Entire Course//https://uopcourses.com/category/rdg-420/
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RDG 420 Week 1 Individual: Letter of Introduction
Congratulations! You recently accepted a job at the local elementary school teaching your preferred grade level. The grade level department chair has asked you to prepare a written or oral introduction to the other teachers on that grade level.
Write a 200- to 350-word letter of introduction or prepare a three- to five-minute presentation for the staff that includes how you expect to incorporate the following into teaching reading at your grade level:
· Major theories of cognitive development
· Main stages of literacy development
· Integration of language arts into other content areas
· Read-alouds
If you choose to do a presentation, consider using a presentation medium other than Microsoft® PowerPoint®, the Technology Resource Library located on the College of Education Resources page lists some alternatives to Microsoft® PowerPoint®.
Submit your paper and presentation.
RDG 420 Week 2 Individual: Phonics Competency Pretest
Access the University of Phoenix Material: Phonics Competency Pretest.
Complete the assessment before accessing the University of Phoenix Material: Phonics Competency Pretest Answer Key.
Write a response about this experience of no less than 350 words. Reflect on how you performed on this assessment. What are your strengths and what are some areas you need to strengthen? How does this assessment relate to and inform your teaching of phonics?
Submit your response and a copy of the Phonics Competency Assessment.
Format your response according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment.
RDG 420 Week 2 Team Assignment: Reading Fluency Assessment Tools
Complete the Reading Assessment Tool worksheet.
Submit your assignment.
Reading Assessment Tools
Identify three reading assessment tools for each of the following areas and complete the chart.
Target grade level
Whole group/small group/ individual student
Meets needs of diverse learners
Pros & Cons
Target grade level
Whole group/small group/ individual student
Meets needs of diverse learners
Pros & Cons
Phonemic Awareness
Target grade level
Whole group/small group/ individual student
Meets needs of diverse learners
Pros & Cons
Target grade level
Whole group/small group/ individual student
Meets needs of diverse learners
Pros & Cons
RDG 420 Week 2 Team Assignment: Vocabulary Mini-Lessons
Develop two mini-lessons on vocabulary. One of those mini-lessons must reinforce morphemic or contextual analysis of vocabulary.
Develop a 10- to 15-minute vocabulary mini-lesson. Agree on the grade level that you will create the mini-lesson for.
Identify the academic standards relevant for that grade level and vocabulary for each state represented by your Learning Team members.
Identify the assessment tools that you would use to evaluate student understanding of the vocabulary and the effectiveness of the mini-lesson.
Develop another 10- to 15-minute vocabulary mini-lesson that reinforces morphemic and contextual analysis.
Identify the assessment tools that you would use to evaluate student understanding of the vocabulary and the effectiveness of the mini-lesson.
Create an 8- to 10-slide presentation of your mini-lessons and the assessment tools. You may choose to use a presentation medium other than Microsoft® PowerPoint®.
Submit your assignment.
RDG 420 Week 3 Team Assignment: Reading Comprehension Lesson Plans
Review Ch. 8 and 11 of Literacy for the 21st Century as a point of reference.
Develop two formal lesson plans: one in guided reading and one in shared reading.
Focus on reading comprehension strategies in each lesson plan.
Include the following in your lesson plans:
· Grade level
· Learning objectives
· Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts
· Materials used
· Instructional plan (must be fully described)
· Assessment
Submit your assignment.
RDG 420 Week 3 Individual: Depth of Knowledge
Access the WeTeach NYC “Depth of Knowledge” page.
Watch the “Introduction to Depth of Knowledge” video.
Open “Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Levels” on the WeTeach NYC Depth of Knowledge page.
Choose a grade level expository text from an additional academic source of your choosing.
Determine the key ideas of the text.
Identify academic vocabulary in the text.
Develop a series of six text-dependent questions, using Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Levels. Consider how Depth of Knowledge supports close reading. You must have at least one question from each of the four levels.
Submit the passage, the vocabulary list, and the Depth of Knowledge text-dependent questions.
RDG 420 Week 4 Team Assignment: Webquest
Access the WebQuest.org website.
Read the “What is a WebQuest?” section.
Select and read the “Creating WebQuests” section.
Review the “QuestGarden” and the “Other Online Authoring Systems” sections.
Select one of the sample WebQuests in the “QuestGarden” section.
Click and read through the different sections.
Answer the following question: How might webquests be used for differentiation of learning?
Use one of the authoring tools such as QuestGarden to create a webquest as a team. Your webquest should address reading and writing across the content areas, differentiated tasks for students with learning challenges, advanced students, and student learning.
Submit your assignment.
RDG 420 Week 4 Individual: 6+1 Trait® Mini-Lessons
Read the “6+1 Trait® Definitions” developed by Education Northwest.
Review Ch. 3 of Teaching Writing.
Read “Mini-lesson madness” and “The Trait Lady Speaks Up” on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page.
Develop a mini-lesson for each 6 +1 Trait® of writing based on a piece of children’s literature. Mini-lessons should focus on a single point and can be taught in a whole group setting, small group setting, or with individual students.
Create an 8- to 10-slide presentation of the 6 +1 Trait® mini-lessons. Use Microsoft® PowerPoint® or other presentation software approved by your instructor. Include the following:
· Title slide
· One slide for the selected 6 +1 Trait®
· Mini-lesson for the selected 6 +1 Trait®
· The teaching point the mini-lesson focuses on
· The grade level for which the mini-lesson is intended
· The setting for which the mini-lesson is intended
· The intended length of the mini-lesson
· Conclusion slide
· References slide
Format your references according to APA guidelines.
Include speaker notes.
Submit your assignment.
RDG 420 Week 5 Individual: Teaching Reflection Paper
Select one lesson you developed for this course and teach it to students in a grade-appropriate classroom (if permitted, at your field experience placement site).
Reflect on your experience in My Time Log, including revisions that you would make to the lesson based on the experience.
Write a 350- to 700-word reflection or create an 8- to 10-slide presentation summarizing your observations.
Include the following:
· How the teacher organizes for instruction
· What teaching method theory is being used
· Examples of effective teaching practices
· The nature of the print environment and if you would consider it print-rich
· If the students appear to be active learners
· What has influenced the teacher’s organization for literacy instruction
Submit your assignment.
RDG 420 Week 5 Individual: Integrated Reading Unit
Complete the Signature Assignment: Integrated Reading Unit*.
Submit your assignment.
Integrated Reading Unit
Design a two-week reading unit for an identified elementary grade level that concentrates on a core book or an author, incorporates appropriate technology, and integrates one of the following major subject areas: mathematics, science, social studies, the arts (visual and performing), physical education, or health education. The reading unit consists of four sections: unit introduction, resources toolkit, lesson planning, and reflection. You will develop five lesson plans for this unit. Use APA formatting.
Each lesson plan should include the following:
1. Unit Introduction
a. Unit Statement and Rationale:
1) A unit title that is demonstrative of the unit and captures the reader’s attention
2) Introduction to the core book or author and a summary of how this unit integrates reading and writing strategies and literary elements
3) Justification of why this is an elementary grade-level appropriate unit of study and an explanation of the appropriateness of the book or author to the grade level
b. State standards covered in the unit
2. Resources Toolkit: An annotated bibliography of 10 books and resources that support your unit
a. The books and resources should include three targeted for teacher use and seven targeted for student and parent use.
b. At least five of your resources should be multimedia materials, including web-based resources.
c. Each annotation should begin with the reference. All annotations should be in alphabetical order.
d. Each annotation should be block indented and explicitly connect the selected book or resource to the unit in three to five sentences.
e. When selecting your resources, be mindful of the diversity of your learners, including varied reading levels.
f. Use APA formatting.
3. Lesson Planning
a. Develop five lesson plans, each integrating reading with one content area, using the “Reading Integration Lesson Plan Format.”
b. Lesson plans must include reading and writing components (phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and writing), as well as literary elements (setting, plot, characters, conflict, theme).
4. Reflection
a. Solicit feedback from a practicing teacher concerning the following areas of your unit (option: seek feedback during the required field experience for this course):
1) Appropriateness of the unit and book/author for the grade level
2) Appropriateness of the lesson procedures (content and instructional strategies) for the grade level
3) Potential for the students to achieve the objectives and meet the content standards
4) Words of advice for designing and delivering integrated units
b. After the feedback session, write a 350-word reflection that describes implications for professional development and growth based on the specific teacher feedback.
Reading Integration Lesson Plan Format
1. Central Focus of Lesson: Select state reading standard(s) for your identified elementary grade level and the standard(s) for the integrated academic content area (e.g., mathematics, science). Based on the selected standards, describe the focus of the topic in this lesson plan.
- Day (within the unit)
- Length
- Other content area(s) integrated into lesson
- Reading/writing areas to be addressed
- Literary element(s) to be addressed
- Technology integration (assistive technology)
2. Learning Objectives: Develop learning objectives for the 45-minute lesson based on the criteria below:
· Are specific, measurable, and observable
· State what students will know and be able to do
· Align to state standards
· Are grade-level and content-area appropriate
3. Materials: Identify and provide as appropriate the materials and instructional resources needed for the teacher and students. Resources may include technology, handouts, guest speakers, etc. Describe how the materials support and enhance the lesson.
4. Instructional approach: Provide a detailed outline of the lesson based on the following:
· Set the stage for learning
· Lesson delivery and guided practice
· Closure
· Independent practice
5. Lesson Assessments: Design a formative assessment for each lesson and a summative assessment for the entire unit.