EDU 305 EDU305 edu 305 Best Tutorials Guide —

Donny Job
6 min readAug 9, 2021



Child Development

The Latest Version A+ Study Guide


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EDU 305 Wk 1 — Prenatal and Newborn Development Infographic

A child’s stage of development has a huge impact on how and what they are able to learn. Therefore, teachers must be familiar with child development stages to ensure the curriculum they design and teach is developmentally appropriate to the child.

In order to better understand the development of children from birth through middle childhood, you will be creating several infographics representing different age groups. The first will encompass prenatal through the first year.

Create a 1-page infographic that communicates the following:

· Stages of prenatal development

· Factors that may cause effects following birth

· Growth of a newborn through the first year

· Development of a newborn’s reflexes and sensory abilities

Submit your assignment.

EDU 305 Wk 2 — Observation and Interview Arrangements

Review the Wk 5 Observations Comparison and Interview Summaries assignment.

Arrange to observe and interview 2 teachers in the following educational environments:

· Preschool or lower elementary (K-3)

· Upper elementary or middle school

Submit your observation locations with a brief explanation about why you selected the 2 schools, grade levels, and teachers to be approved by your instructor.

EDU 305 Wk 2 — Signature Assignment: A Study of Child Development

Child development is extremely important for teachers to know because it enables them to determine strategies for teaching and learning. By understanding child development, a teacher can make the most appropriate decisions regarding expectations for learning and identify children who may have problems with learning.

Complete Parts 1 and 2 below. This 2-part assignment is a study of child development theories, research, and factors that influence both prenatal and child development.

Part 1: Child Development Theorists Chart

Create a chart that provides detailed information for at least 5 well-known child development theorists and includes the following:

· A brief description of the theorist, including the timeframe in which research was conducted

· An explanation of beliefs and ideas regarding the following developmental domains:

· Physical

· Cognitive

· Emotional

· Social

Part 2: Influencing Factors Paper

Write a 525- to 700-word paper that defines the following factors and describes their influence on prenatal and child development:

· Biological

· Environmental

· Cultural

Submit your assignment.

EDU 305 Wk 3 — Early Childhood Development Infographic

A child’s stage of development has a huge impact on how and what they are able to learn. Therefore, teachers must be familiar with child development stages to ensure the curriculum they design and teach is developmentally appropriate to the child.

In order to better understand the development of children from birth through middle childhood, you will be creating several infographics representing different age groups. The focus of this infographic is on the early childhood range (ages 2–6 years).

Create an infographic that communicates the changes in the following developmental domains for a child in the early childhood age range:

· Physical

· Cognitive

· Emotional

· Social

Submit your assignment.

EDU 305 Wk 3 Team — Educational Program Design

Your Learning Team is a team of experts hired by a philanthropist who wants to start a one-of-a-kind educational program that supports infants through early childhood with development in the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social areas.

Design an educational program with few budgetary constraints. Your team may select a community school, after-school program, summer school program, daycare, sport or academic camp, club, or another educational program approved by your faculty member.

Write a 525- to 700-word proposal or create a 14- to 16-slide presentation to submit to the philanthropist about your one-of-a-kind educational program for the following age ranges:

· Infants and Toddlers — The first 2 years

· Early Childhood — Ages 2 to 6

Include the following for each age range’s education program:

· The learning theories that support your plan for this age level

· A description of at least 3 learning activities you intend to use for each of the developmental areas and the learning theories behind these activities

· How you will include diverse populations

· 3 to 5 media influences that target this age level and how each might support development in the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social areas

· A description or diagram of how the environment would be organized so that children may develop in each area

· Current research to support your ideas

Submit your team assignment.

EDU 305 Wk 4 — Middle Childhood Development Infographic

A child’s stage of development has a huge impact on how and what they are able to learn. Therefore, teachers must be familiar with child development stages to ensure the curriculum they design and teach is developmentally appropriate to the child.

In order to better understand the development of children from birth through middle childhood, you will be creating several infographics representing different age groups. The focus of this infographic is on the middle childhood range (ages 6–11 years).

Create an infographic that communicates the changes in the following developmental domains for a child in the middle childhood age range:

· Physical

· Cognitive

· Social/Emotional

EDU 305 Wk 4 — Signature Assignment: Effects of Technology, Media, and Culture Presentation

Technology and media can be viewed as both a blessing and a curse when it comes to raising and educating children. While there are many positive influences that technology and media have brought to education, there are drawbacks as well. Another important influencer is a child’s cultural background, which tends to impact the way a child participates in learning. In this assignment, you will do a deep dive into the effects, both positive and negative, that technology, media, and culture have on the major domains of child development.

Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation, with detailed speaker notes, that addresses the influence of technology, media, and culture on the following domains of child development:

· Physical

· Cognitive

· Emotional

· Social

Address the following ages for each influence and domain of development:

· Infant/toddler

· Early childhood

· Middle childhood

· Adolescence

Include the following elements in your presentation:

· Title/introduction slide

· Slide style that complements the content

· A minimum of 3 functional components (e.g., audio clip, visual graphic, or link)

Submit your assignment.

EDU 305 Wk 5 — Signature Assignment: Observations Comparison and Interview Summaries

Preschool-aged children and adolescents can be very different and, oddly enough, seem quite alike at the same time. For the most part, children will transition through the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development stages toward adolescence at a typical rate, and with this transition will come maturity. As a teacher, it is important for you to know how these changes influence learning to ensure you are prepared for the challenges and rewards of teaching.

Complete Parts 1 and 2 below. This 2-part assignment gives you the opportunity to observe and compare 2 different age ranges of children in an educational setting and interview each teacher you have observed.

Part 1: Observations Comparison

Observe the following classroom settings for at least 1 hour each:

· Preschool or lower elementary (K-3)

· Upper elementary or middle school

Interview each teacher you observed following the observation using the Sample Interview Questions as a reference.

Write a 525- to 700-word paper comparing the 2 completed classroom observations that address the following:

· Description of the setting. Include the type of school, time of day, what the students were participating in at the time of observation, and the level of student engagement

· Consider the physical development of students at each observation. How were they the same? How were they different? What influences on learning did the students’ physical development seem to have?

· Consider the cognitive development of students at each observation. How were they the same? How were they different? What influences on learning did the students’ cognitive development seem to have?

· Consider the emotional and social development of students in each setting. How were they the same? How were they different? What influences on learning did the students’ social and emotional development seem to have?

· Explain anything surprising you noticed in either of the observations. What insight did you gain from these observations?

Part 2: Interview Summaries

Write a 275- to 350-word summary for each interview that includes the following information:

· Site information: teacher’s name, teacher’s background and experience, grade level of students, and type of classroom

· Brief summary of teacher’s responses to the interview questions

· Specific knowledge or skills you learned from this teacher that you may apply to your own teaching

Submit the following:

· Observations Comparison Paper

· Interview Summary for each Teacher Interview (total of 2)

