BUS/212T BUS 212T Wk 1 — Apply: The 4 P’s of Marketing FOUNDATIONS OF BUSINESS https://uopcourse.com/category/bus-212/
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BUS 212T Entire Course Link
BUS 212T Wk 1 — Practice: Click & Drag: Forces Affecting Business
Use the McGraw-Hill Connect® Access link to access the following assignment.
Complete the “Click & Drag: Forces Affecting Business” assignment.
BUS 212T Wk 1 — Apply: The 4 P’s of Marketing
Use the McGraw-Hill Connect® Access link to access the following assignment.
Complete the “The 4 P’s of Marketing: Frondescence Food Truck” scenario.
Note: You will have two attempts in Connect to complete this assignment. Grades must be transferred manually to Blackboard by your instructor. Don’t worry, this might happen after your due date.